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Of Sprawl and Sunflowers

    May 28, 2023     Tex Appeal staff By JANNA ZEPP When I worked at the III Corps Public Affairs Office on Fort Hood (now Fort Cavazos), there were some evenings during my drive home from post when I rolled down the windows in my car just to smell the sunflowers in the heat of a late summer afternoon. The farmland around here used to be full of those bright yellow and black/brown flowers in summer. To me, they represent summertime in Texas and this is where I start to ramble, so y’all bear with me. Sunflowers make me get all sentimental about my dad. I smell ’em and I am reminded of walks with my father in a pasture during summers spent in Greenville up in Northeast Texas. On these walks, my father would expound at length about all things liberal arts or natural sciences. I think I got more education walking through those pastures with Daddy half a century ago than I did on my January terms at Austin College nearly 40 years ago. I learned about cottonmouth and copperhead snakes, trust

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